All-in-One software systems solutions
Business Email
Email that undestands You. Modern, secure, robust, scalable collaboration platform that makes Your company efficient. Possibly best collaboration platform.
Internet and Extranet portal for employees to be up to date with news, projects, information. Social capabilieties will make content live, share information and provide feedback
Enterprise Social Network
Share ideas, share news and status updates, create groups/projects, share files or news. Work as team, reuse and improve company knowledge.
Mobile Device Management
MDM let users work from any location in secure way with company data. MDM provisions remotely email/calendar profiles, WiFi, VPNs, kiosk modes. MDM is GDPR requirement.
Solutions for IT officers
We have various tools that will make life of IT officers more simple. Proven tools will help to be compliant, secure and do business better and faster. Best in class tools for your business.
Security Systems
Two Factor Authentication
Two factor authentication will protect access to IBM Domino, xPage web applications or iNotes or IBM Verse. Deployed in just 1 hour, protects your business and data 24×7
Anti-spam System
Phishing, spam, viruses – are threats to you business. Protect your business with best antispam system, so only valid contect reaches your users.
Compliance solution for IBM Domino
Need to know who made changes, from which IP? what changes has been done? Checkout our Compliance solution page to know more.
Identity Management
Simplify user management with centralized account provisioning, while putting more control and compliance. Users can request access without IT involved. Fast, Audited, Secure. GDPR ready.
Active Directory Integration
Simplify Active Directory and IBM Domino
coexistance with our integration services.
One user, one password, many servers,
less helpdesk calls and forgotten